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Articles & Books


Abatayo A.L., Thorsen B.J. (2017), “One-shot exogenous interventions increase subsequent coordination in Denmark, Spain and Ghana”, 12(11).

Bastianin, A., Galeotti, M., Manera, M. (2017), “Oil Supply Shocks and Economic Growth in the Mediterranean”, Energy Policy, 110, 167-175.

Cai, M., Cusumano, N., Lorenzoni, A., Pontoni, F. (2017), “A comprehensive ex-post assessment of the Italian RES policy: deployment, jobs, value added and import leakages”, Energy Policy, 110, 234-245.

Candelise C, Westacott P. (2017) “Can integration of PV within UK electricity network be improved? A GIS based assessment of storage”, Energy Policy, 109, 694-703.

Candelise C., Ruggieri G. (2017) “Quale ruolo per i cittadini nella transizione verso le rinnovabili? Le comunità energetiche italiane: esperienze e prospettive”, Gazzetta Ambiente, N6, 117-131.

Candelise, C. (2017) “Crowdfunding in Impact Investing: la finanza a supporto dell’impatto socio-ambientale”, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile.

Candelise, C. (2017) “Crowdfunding per lo sviluppo locale” in: Finanza sostenibile e sviluppo locale, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile, IEFE Bocconi, IFEL.

Cavaliere A., Maggi M., Stroffolini F. (2017), “Water Losses and Optimal Network Investments: Price Regulation Effects with Muncipalization and Privatization”, Water Resources and Economics, 18, 1-19.

Cervigni, G., Conti, I., Glachant, J.M. (2017), “Towards efficient and sustainable cost-recovery for the European gas transmission network”, 32.

Croci E. (2017), “L’ONU per lo sviluppo delle città”, Formiche.

Croci E., Colelli F. (2017), “Misurare le smart cities”, in: La prossima città, Ferrari G., Milano e Udine, Mimesis, 681-713.

Croci E., Grasso D. (2017), “L’Italia leader della bioeconomia”, Ecoscienza, 2.

Croci E., Grasso D. (2017), “La riforma dei rifiuti: un bilancio venti anni dopo per affrontare le nuove sfide europee”, in: La riforma dei rifiuti. A 20 anni dal D.lgs. 22/97 e alla vigilia delle nuove direttive rifiuti- Circular Economy, Edizioni Ambiente, 70, 55-70.

Croci E., Grasso D. (2017), “Politiche innovative per una logistica urbana sostenibile”, Trasporti e Cultura, 47, 71-77.

Croci E., Grasso D. (2017), “Verso una logistica urbana smart”, in: La prossima città, Ferrari G., Milano e Udine, Mimesis. 375-403.

Croci E., Lucchitta B. (2017), “Ambiente urbano e servizi ecosistemici”, in: La prossima città, Ferrari G., Milano e Udine, Mimesis, 551-577.

Croci E., Lucchitta B. (2017), “Payment for ecosystem services”, Paysage Topscape, 30, 43-46.

Croci E., Lucchitta B., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Molteni T., Martelli S. (2017), “Urban CO2 mitigation strategies under the Covenant of Mayors: an assessment of 124 European cities”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 169, 161-177.

Di Castelnuovo, M., Gatti, S., Panerai, A. (2017) “L’evoluzione delle utility energetiche nell’era delle smart city”, Economia & Management, 111-130.

Galeotti, M., Rubashkina, Y., Salini, S., Verdolini, E. (2017), “Environmental policy performance and its determinants: application of a three-level random intercept model”, Energy Policy, 114, 134-144.

Howarth, N., Galeotti, M., Lanza, A., Dubey, K. (2017), “The energy-growth relationship in the GCC: An international sectoral comparison”, Energy Transitions, 1, 1-6.

Iossa, E., Biagi, F., Valbonesi P. (2017) “Pre-commercial Procurement, Procurement of Innovative Solutions and Innovation Partnerships in the EU: Rationale and Strategy. Economics of Innovation and New Technology”.

Iossa, E., Waterson, M. (2017) “Maintaining Dynamic Competition in Procurement: The Case of London Bus Tendering”, Transport Policy.

Iraldo F., Testa F., Gusmerotti N., Corsini F., Borghini A., Pretner G., Bottazzoli E., (2017) “L’economia circolare in Italia”, CONAI Technical Report.

Polo M. “Entry Games and Free Entry Equilibria”, in L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.) Handbook  of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Edvard Elgar ed. 2017.

Pontoni, F., Marangon, F., Tempesta, T., Troiano S., Vecchiato, D. (2017), “Choice experiments and environmental taxation: an application to the Italian hydropower sector”, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, 3, 99-118.

Roson, R. (2017), “Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity”, Water Global Practice Discussion Papers W16006, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

Roson, R., Damania, R. (2017), “Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity: an Assessment of Alternative Scenarios”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 39, 1141-1162.

Signorelli C., Odone A., Capolongo S., Buffoli M., Grasso D., Croci E. (2017), “Maintanance and efficiency of heating systems to reduce air pollution: Evaluation of a community-based campaign to change energy behaviors in an Italian province”, Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment, 3.


Abrardi L., Cambini C. and Rondi L. (2016), “Investment and Regulation in MENA Countries: The impact of regulatory independence”, in A. Rubino, M.T. Costa Campi, V. Lenzi and I. Ozturk (Eds.), Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets. Solutions for the Mediterranean, Elsevier Academic Press, 243-274

Bastianin A., Galeotti M. and Manera M. (2016), “Ethanol and Field Crops: Is There a Price Connection?”, Food Policy, 63, 53-61

Boiral O., Daddi T., Heras-Saizarbitoria I., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2016), “Public Regulatory Relief and the Adoption of Environmental Management Systems: A European survey”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59(12), 2231-2250

Boiral O., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2016), “Internalization of Environmental Practices and Institutional Complexity: Can stakeholders pressures encourage greenwashing?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 1-21

Borghini A., Corsini F., Gusmerotti N.M., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2016), “Predicting Behaviours Related to Marine Litter Prevention: An empirical case based on junior high school students in Italy”, International Journal of Sustainable Society 8(1), 1-21

Bosetti V., Baker E., Diaz Anadon L. and Aleluia Reis L. (2016), “Expert Views - and disagreements - about the Potential of Energy Technology R&D”, Climatic Change, 136, 677-691

Bremberger F., Cambini C., Gugler K. and Rondi L. (2016), “Dividend Policy in Regulated Network Industries: Evidence from the EU”, Economic Inquiry, 54(1), 408-432

Calzadilla A., Rehdanz K., Roson R., Sartori M. and Tol R. (2016), “Review of GCE Models of Water Issues”, in A. Dinar, F. Munoz-Garcia, A. Espinola-Arredondo, R.M. Matthew, T. Bryant and A. Botelho. (Eds.), The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, vol. 3, Computable General Equilibrium Models of Society, chapter 4, 101-123, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-4713-68-9

Cambini C., Caviggioli F. and Scellato G. (2016), “Innovation and Market Regulation: Evidence from the European Electricity Industry”, Industry and Innovation, 23(8), 734-752

Bompard E., Cambini C., Masera M. and Meletiou A. (2016), “Market and Regulatory Factors Influencing Smart-grid Investment in Europe: Evidence from pilot projects and implications for reform”, Utilities Policy, 40, 36-47

Cambini C., Fumagalli E. and Rondi L. (2016), “Incentives to Quality and Investment: Evidence from electric distribution in Italy”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 49(1), 1-32

Cambini C. and Rubino A. (2016), “EU Pressures and Institutions for Future Mediterranean Energy Markets: Evidence from a perception survey”, in A. Rubino, M.T. Costa Campi, V. Lenzi and I. Ozturk (Eds.), Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets. Solutions for the Mediterranean, Elsevier Academic Press, 133-154

Cambini C., Polo M., Sassano A. (2016), “Fiber to the People: the Development of the Ultra-broadband Network in Italy”, Journal of Economic Policy, 179-21o.

Cambini C. and Y. Spiegel (2016), “Investment and Capital Structure in a Partially Privatized Utility”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25(2), 487-515

Cai M., Cusumano N., Lorenzoni A. and Pontoni F. (2016), “Rinnovabili: valore aggiunto e occupazione”, Energia, 4, 36-43

Camboni Marchi Adani R. and Valbonesi P. (2016), Favouritism in scoring rule auctions, Marco Fanno Working Paper no. 210/2016, Department of Economics and Management, University of Padua

Candelise C. (2016), “The Application of Crowdfunding to the Energy Sector”, in W. Vassallo (Ed.) Crowdfunding for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Publisher: Business Science Reference, 266-287, ISBN: 9781522505686

Candelise C. (2016), “Crowdfunding in the energy sector: a smart financing and empowering tool for citizens and communities?” Proceedings, 9th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’16), Frankfurt, Germany, 16-18 March 2016

Carboni C., Iossa E. and Mattera G. (Forthcoming), “International Barriers to Procurement: A Review and Recent Trends in Europe”, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Special Issue on “Public Procurement: New Theoretical and Empirical Developments” (Invited paper)

Cavaliere A., Maggi M. and Stroffolini F. (2016), “Investment-driven mixed firms: partial privatization by local governments”, International Tax and Public Finance, DOI: 10.1007/s10797-016-9426-z

Chiades P., Greco L., Mengotto V., Moretti L. and Valbonesi P. (2016), Intergovernmental Transfers and Expenditure Arrears, Bank of Italy Working Paper no. 1076/2016

Corazzini L., Galavotti S., Sausgruber R. and Valbonesi P. (2016), “Allotment in First-Price Auctions: An experimental investigation”, forthcoming Experimental Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-016-9476-1

Coviello D., Moretti L., Spagnolo G. and Valbonesi P. (2016), “Court Efficiency and Procurement Performance”, forthcoming Scandinavian Journal of Economics, DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12225

Cretì A. and Pontoni F. (2016), “Natural gas balancing, storage and flexibility in Europe: assessing the recent literature”, Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 3, 18-22

Croci E. (2016), “Urban road pricing: a comparative study on the experiences of London, Stockholm and Milan”, Transportation Research Procedia, 14, 253-262, ISSN: 2352-1465

Croci E. and Grasso D. (2016), “Se i rifiuti diventano risorse. Quali opportunità per le imprese edili?”, Dedalo, 2, ISSN: 1128-7543

Croci E., Janssens-Maenhout G., Lucchitta B., Martelli S. and Molteni T. (2016), “Investigating Urban Sustainable Energy Policies in Europe: Experiences from the Covenant of Mayors”, Euro - Asian Journal of sustainable energy development policy, 5(1), 48-68, ISSN 2529-0940

Daddi T., Frey M., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2016), “Exploring the Link between Institutional Pressures and Environmental Management Systems Effectiveness: An empirical study”, Journal of Environmental Management, 183, 647-656

Daddi T., Iraldo F., Nucci B., Tessitore S. and Testa F. (2016), “Perceptions on LCA Implementation: Evidence from a survey on adopters and nonadopters in Italy”, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(10), 1501-1513

Daddi T. and Iraldo F. (2016), “The Effectiveness of Cluster Approach to Improve Environmental Corporate Performance in an Industrial District of SMEs: A case study”, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 23 (2), 163-173

Daddi T., Iraldo F., Frey M., Gallo P. and Gianfrate V. (2016), “Regional Policies and Eco-industrial Development: The voluntary environmental certification scheme of the eco-industrial parks in Tuscany (Italy)”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 62-70

De Giacomo M.R., Iraldo F. and Nucci B. (2016), “The Relevance of Life Cycle Costing in Green Public Procurement”, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment

Dubey K., Galeotti M., Howarth N. and Lanza A. (2016), “Energy Productivity as a New Growth Model for GCC Countries”, KAPSARC Discussion Paper, n. KS-1645-DP039A, October 2016

Fracasso A., Sartori M. and Schiavo S. (2016), “Determinants of Virtual Water Flows Across Mediterranean Countries”, Science of the Total Environment, 543, 1054-1062

Frey M., Grappio P., Gusmerotti N.M., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2016), “Examining Green Public Procurement Using Content Analysis: Existing difficulties for procurers and useful recommendations”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 18(1), 197-219

Galeotti M. (2016), “In controtendenza: Ambiente”, in A. Colombo and P. Magri (Eds.), Le nuove crepe della governance mondiale – Rapporto ISPI 2016, Edizioni Epoké – ISPI, 123-127

Galeotti M., Howarth N. and Lanza A. (2016),“Energy Productivity as a New Growth Model for the GCC: Evidence from an International Kuznets Curve Analysis”, KAPSARC Discussion Paper, n. KS-1648-MP043A, October 2016

Iossa E. and Waterson M. (2016), “Maintaining Dynamic Competition in Procurement: The Case of London Bus Tendering”, forthcoming Transport Policy

Iossa E. and Martimort D. (2016), “Corruption in PPPs, Incentives and Contract Incompleteness”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 44(C), 85-100

Ludwig R. and Roson R. (2016), “Climate Change, Water and Security in the Mediterranean: Introduction to the Special Issue”, Science of the Total Environment, 543, 847-850

Miniaci R., Scarpa C. and Valbonesi P. (2016), "Benefits to vulnerable consumers in Italian energy markets: a focus on the eligibility criterion", in J. Strand (Ed.), The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsides, Cambridge: MIT Press, 223-254, ISBN-10:0262034646

Nicolini M., Scarpa C. and Valbonesi P. (2016), “Determinants of State Aid to Firms: The case of the European Car Industry”, forthcoming Industrial and Corporate Change, DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtw023

Oyamada K. and Roson R. (2016), “Implementing a Computable General Equilibrium Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Endogenous Productivity”, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 6(4), 432-451

Roson R. (2016), a GAMS-like Modeling System based on Python and SAGE, Ca’ Foscari DEC Working Paper no. 23

Roson R. and Sartori M. (2016), “Estimation of climate change damage functions for 140 regions in the GTAP9 database”, Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(2), 78-15. An earlier version is available as Policy Research Working Paper (World Bank Working Paper Series), A. WPS7728

Roson R. and Sartori M. (2016), “Input-output linkages and the propagation of domestic productivity shocks: Assessing alternative theories with stochastic simulation”, Economic Systems Research, 28(1), 38-54, DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2015.1132194

Sandwell P., Chan N.L.A., Foster S., Nagpal D., Emmott C.J.M., Candelise C., Buckle S.J., Ekins-Daukes N., Gambhir A. and Nelson J. (2016), “Off-grid solar photovoltaic systems for rural electrification and emissions mitigation in India”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 156, 147-156

Westacott P. and Candelise C. (2016), “A Novel Geographical Information Systems Framework to Characterize Photovoltaic Deployment in the UK: Initial Evidence”, Energies, 9, ISSN: 1996-1073

Westacott P. and Candelise C. (2016), “Assessing the Impacts of Photovoltaic Penetration across an Entire Low-voltage Distribution Network Containing 1.5 Million Customers”, IET Renewable Power Generation, 10, 460-466


Abrardi L. and Cambini C. (2015), “Tariff Regulation with Energy Efficiency Goals”, Energy Economics, 49, 122-131

Abrardi L., Cambini C. and Rondi L. (2015), “Investment and Regulation in MENA Countries: The impact of regulatory independence”, in Rubino A., Costa Campi M.T., Lenzi V. and Ozturk I. (eds.), Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets, Elsevier

Annunziata E., Testa F., Frey M. and Iraldo F. (2015), “Environmental Responsibility in Building Design: An Italian regional study”, Journal of Clearner Production, 112, 639-648

Antonelli M. and Sartori M. (2015), “Unfolding the Potential of the Virtual Water Concept. What is still under debate?”, Environmental Science and Policy, 50, 240-251

Athanassoglou S. (2015), “Revisiting Worst-Case DEA for Composite Indicators”, forthcoming in Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-1078-3

Athanasoglou S. (2015), “Strategyproof and Efficient Preference Aggregation with Kemeny-based Criteria”,   forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior,   DOI: 10.1016/j.geb.2015.12.002

Biard P., Croci E. and Molteni T. (2015), “An Analysis of Multi-Level Collaborative Initiatives on Sustainable Energy in Europe”, forthcoming in Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment

Cambini C., Fumagalli E. and Rondi L. (2015), “Incentives to Quality and Investment: Evidence from Electricity Distribution in Italy”, forthcoming in Journal of Regulatory Economics, DOI 10.1007/s11149-015-9287-x

Cambini C., Rondi L. and De Measi S. (2015), “Incentive Compensation in Energy Firms: Does regulation matter?”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23(4), 378-395

Cambini C. and Rubino A. (2015), “EU Pressure and Institutions for Future Mediterranean Energy Markets: Evidence from a perception survey”, in Rubino A., Costa Campi M.T., Lenzi V. and Ozturk I. (eds.), Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets, Elsevier

Cambini C. and Spiegel Y. (2015), “Investment and Capital Structure in a Partially Privatized Utility”, forthcoming in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Candelise C.  (2015), “Crowdfunding and the Energy Sector”, CEDRO Exchange report, Issue 18

Cavapozzi D., Han W. and Miniaci R. (2015), “Alternative Weighting Structures for Multidimensional Poverty Assessment”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 13:425– 447, DOI: 10.1007/s10888-015-9301-7

Cosic A., Testa F., Iraldo F. (2015), “Determining Factors of Curtailment and Purchasing Energy Related Behaviours”, Journal of Clearner Production, 112, 3810- 3819

Croci E., Janssens-Maenhout G., Lucchitta B., Martelli S. and Molteni T. (2015), “Investigating Urban Sustainable Energy Policies in Europe: Experiences from the Covenant of Mayors”, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, organized by KEPA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 7-9 October 2015, Athens-Greece, 67-96

Croci E. and Ravazzi A. (2015), “Urban Road Pricing: The experience of Milan (Chapter 10)”, in L. Kreiser, M.S. Andersen, B.E. Olsen, S. Speck, J.E. Milne and H.A. Shiabor (Eds.), Carbon Pricing: Design, Experiences and Issues, Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, vol XV, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton, MA (USA), 141-158, ISBN: 9781785360220, DOI: 10.4337/978178536023

Croci E., Grasso D., Iraldo F., Luglietti R. and Taisch M. (2015), “Il Sistema Produttivo verso la Green Growth”, in Guandalini M. and Uckmar V., Made in Italy Green, Mondadori Education, Milano, 93-108, ISBN 9788861844049

Croci E. (2015), “Una riforma verde liberale per promuovere la Green Economy in Italia”, in Scognamiglio Pasini C., Musso E. (Eds.), La rivoluzione liberale: come si fa, De Ferrari Editore, Genova, ISBN 9788864051321

Daddi T., Frey M., De Giacomo M.R., Iraldo F., Testa F. (2015), “Macro-economic and Development Indexes and ISO14001 Certificates: A cross national analysis”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 1239-1248

Daddi T. and Iraldo F. (2015), “The Effectiveness of Cluster Approach to Improve Environmental Corporate Performance in an Industrial District of SMEs: A case study”, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, pub- lished on-line, DOI:10.1080/13504509.2015.1106988

Daddi T., Iraldo F., Frey M., Gallo P. and Gianfrate V. (2015), “Regional Policies and Eco-industrial Development: The voluntary environmental certification scheme of the eco-industrial parks in Tuscany (Italy)”, Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.060

Daddi T., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2015), Environmental Certification for Organisations and Products: Management Approaches and Operational Tools, Routledge, London, ISBN 978-1-138-78473-4

Daddi T., Nucci B., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2015), “Enhancing the Adoption of LCA by SMEs Grouped in an Industrial Cluster: A case study of the tanning cluster in Tuscany (Italy)”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, published on-line, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12379

Di Castelnuovo M. and Miriello C. (2015), “I nuovi assetti proprietari delle reti di trasporto energia in Europa”, Economia & Management, 3, ISBN/EAN: DIGIT00000151

Drouet L., Bosetti V. and Tavoni M. (2015), “Selection of Climate Policies under the Uncertainties Outlined in IPCC AR5”, Nature Climate Change, 5, 937–940

Franchini M., Mannucci P.M., Harari S., Pontoni F. and Croci E. (2015), “The Health and Economic Burden of Air Pollution”, The American Journal of Medicine, 128(9), 931-932

Gagliardi L., Marin G. and Miriello C. (2015), “The Greener the Better? Job Creation and Environmentally-Friendly Technological Change”, forthcoming in Industrial and Corporate Change,

Ghisetti  C.,  Pontoni  F.  (2015),  “Investigating  Policy  and  R&D  Effects  on Environmental Innovation: A Meta-analysis”, Ecological Economics, 118, 57-66

Gusmerotti N.M., Corsini F., Iraldo F. and Testa F. (2015), “Predicting Behaviours Related to Marine Litter Prevention: An empirical case based on junior high school students in Italy”, International Journal of Sustainable Society, published on-line

Hubert  F.  and  Roson R. (2015),  “Bargaining  Power  and  Value  Sharing  in Distribution  Networks:  A  cooperative game theory  approach”,  Networks  and Spatial Economics, 15(1), 71-87

Iossa E. and Martimort D. (2015), “Corruption in PPPs, Incentives and Contract Incompleteness”, forthcoming in International Journal of Industrial Organization

Iossa E. and Martimort  D. (2015), “Pessimistic Information Gathering”, Games and Economic  Behavior,  91,  75-96

Iossa E. and Martimort D. (2015), “The Simple Micro-Economics of Public Private Partnerships”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17(1), 4-48

Iossa E. (2015), “Contract and Procurement Design for PPPs in Highways: the Road Ahead” Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 42(3), 245-276

Iraldo F. and Melis M. (2015), “ISO 14001:2015. Sistemi di Gestione Ambientale finalmente a un punto di svolta”, Ambiente&Sicurezza, 19, 76-86

Iraldo F. and Melis M. (2015), “ISO 14001:2015. Le novità della norma e le linee guida per l’applicazione dei nuovi requisiti”, Ambiente&Sicurezza, Monografico n. 20/2015, New Business Media, ISBN: 2035-5149

Iraldo F., Melis M. and Pretner G. (2015), “Large-scale Events and Sustainability: The case of the Universal Exposition Expo Milan 2015”, Economics and Policy  of Energy and the Environment, 2014-3-(LVI), 139-165

Iraldo F., Testa F., Gusmerotti N.M., Grappio P. and Frey M. (2015), “Examining Green Public Procurement Using Content Analysis: Existing difficulties for procurers and useful recommendations”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, pub- lished on-line, DOI: 10.1007/s10668-015-9634-1

Iraldo F., Testa F., Tessitore S., Nucci B., Daddi T. (2015), “The ‘State of Play’ in Life Cycle Assessments: A survey on how Italian companies perform life-cycle assess- ments and product footprints”, Environmental Economics, 6(2), 6-16

Lanzini P., Testa F. and Iraldo F. (2015), “Factors Affecting Drivers’ Willingness to Pay for Biofuels: The case of Italy”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 2684-2692

Lessmann K., Kornek U., Bosetti V. et al. (2015), “The Stability and Effectiveness of Climate Coalitions: A comparative analysis of multiple integrated assessment mod- els”,   Environmental  and  Resource  Economics,  DOI:  10.1007/s10640-015-9886-0

Massarutto A.,  Pontoni F. (2015),  “Rent  Seizing  and  Environmental  Concerns:  A parametric valuation of the Italian hydropower sector”, Energy Policy, 78, 31-40

Miriello C. and Polo M. (2015), “The development of gas hubs in Europe”, Energy Policy, 84, 177-190, ISSN 0301-4215,

Roson R. and Sartori M. (2015), “Virtual Water Trade in the Mediterranean: Today and tomorrow”, in M. Antonelli and F. Greco (Eds.), The Water We Eat, Springer International Publishing Switzerland

Roson R. (2015), “Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity”, in R. Damania and S. Dahan (Eds.), The Forgotten Factor in Climate Change – Water, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

Roson R. and  Sartori M. (2015),  “A  Decomposition  and Comparison Analysis of International Water Footprint Time Series”, Sustainability, 7(5), 5304-5320

Roson R. and Sartori M. (2015), “System-wide Implications of Changing Water Availability and Agricultural Productivity in the Mediterranean Economies”, Water Economics  and  Policy,  1(1),  DOI:  10.1142/S2382624X14500015

Roson R. and Sušnik J., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia L.S., Baumert N., Kloos J., Renaud F., La Jeunesse I., Mabrouk B., Savic´ D.A., Kapelan Z., Ludwig R., Fischer G., Zografos C. (2015), “Interdisciplinary Assessment of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change Impacts on the Lower Nile River, Egypt”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 503-504, 279-288

Roson R. (2015), “Competition between Multiproduct Firms with Heterogeneous Costs”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2(7), 79-88

Rubashkina Y., Galeotti M. and Verdolini E. (2015), “Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: Empirical evidence on the Porter hypothesis from European manufacturing sectors”, Energy Policy, 83, 288-300

Sartori M. and Schiavo S. (2015). “Connected we Stand: A network perspective on trade and global food security”, Food Policy, 57, 114-127

Sileo A. (2015), afterword, in P. Ghelfi, Emma e il mistero del catino di cristallo, Effemme, Genova, ISBN 979-1220004091, 125-127

Tessitore S., Daddi T. and Iraldo F. (2015), “Eco-Industrial Parks Development and Integrated Management Challenges: Findings from Italy”, Sustainability, 7(8), 10036-10051

Testa F., Boiral O. and Iraldo F. (2015), “Internalization of Environmental Practices and Institutional Complexity: Can stakeholders pressures encourage greenwash- ing?”, Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2960-2

Testa F., Gusmerotti N.M., Corsini F., Passetti E. and Iraldo F. (2015), “Factors Affecting Environmental Management by Small and Micro Firms: The importance of entrepreneurs’ attitudes and environmental investment”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, published online, DOI: 10.1002/csr.1382


Anderson B., Borgonovo E., Galeotti M. and Roson R. (2014), “Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Modelling: Can Global Sensitivity Analysis be of Help?”, Risk Analysis,  34, 271-293

Athanassoglou S. and Bosetti V. (2014), “Setting Environmental Policy when Experts Disagree”, Environmental and Resource Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10640-014-9804-x

Baker E., Bosetti V., Diaz Anadon L., Henrion M. and Aleluia Reis L. (2014), “Future Costs of Key Low-carbon Energy Technologies: Harmonization and Aggregation of Energy Technology Expert Elicitation Data”, forthcoming in Energy Policy

Bastianin A., Galeotti M. and Manera M. (2014), “Causality and Predictability in Distribution: The Ethanol-food Price Relation Revisited”, Energy Economics, 42, 152-160

Bastianin A., Galeotti M. and Manera M. (2014), “Forecasting the Oil-gasoline Price Relationship: Do Asymmetries Help?”, Energy Economics, 46, S44–S56

Battaglia M., Testa F., Bianchi L., Iraldo F. and Frey M. (2014), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitiveness within SMEs of the Fashion Industry: Evidence from Italy and France”, Sustainability, 6(2), 872-893

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Iraldo F., Battaglia M., Testa F. and Daddi T., "Can ISO:14063 be a Tool to Plan the Environmental Communication Strategy of a Territorial Area?", Local Environment, vol. 16(4), 339-355

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Iraldo F., "Valutare e gestire gli aspetti ambientali indiretti: un possibile approccio", in M. Frey, F. Iraldo (eds.), I sistemi di gestione ambientale tra passato e futuro, pp. 11-39, Egea, Milano

Iraldo F., "Sistemi di gestione e prestazioni ambientali", in M. Frey, F. Iraldo (eds.), I sistemi di gestione ambientale tra passato e futuro, pp. 41-68, Egea, Milano

Iraldo F., "Il rapporto dei sistemi di gestione e certificazione con la normativa ambientale", in M. Frey, F. Iraldo (eds.), I sistemi di gestione ambientale tra passato e futuro, pp. 111-144, Egea, Milano

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Iraldo F., Melis M., "Il nuovo Regolamento EMAS III: le principali innovazioni", Inquinamento Tecnologie, Ambiente, Uomo, n. 111, January

Iraldo F., Testa F., "La dimensione economica e competitiva dei sistemi di gestione ambientale", in M. Frey, F. Iraldo (eds.), I sistemi di gestione ambientale tra passato e futuro, pp. 93-110, Egea, Milano

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Iraldo F., Testa F., Frey M., "Is an environmental management system able to influence environmental and competitive performance? The case of the eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) in the European union", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 17, issue 16, pp. 1444-1452, November

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Bano L., Lorenzoni A., Sostenere con efficienza le rinnovabili, AEIT, n. 6, 2008

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Iraldo F., Rubik F., Scheer D., Eco-labelling and product development: potentials and experiences, International Journal of Product Development, n. 3/4, 2008

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Lorenzoni A., I costi per le rinnovabili al 2020. Rapporto per Enel Rinnova, Qualenergia, vol. VI, n. 1, 2008

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Bonacina M., Gullì F., Electricity pricing under carbon emissions trading: a dominant firm with competitive fringe model, Energy Policy, 2007 

Cretì A., Interconnection infrastructure as a prerequisite for the development of territories: the role of network externalities, in U. Fratesi, L. Senn, Growth and Competitiveness in Innovative Regions: Balancing Internal and External Connections, Springer-Verlag, serie "Advances in Spatial Science", forthcoming

Cretì A., Book Review on "Electric Choices" by A. Kleit, Economica, forthcoming

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Cretì A., Fabra N., Capacity markets for electricity, Energy Economics, vol. 29, Issue 2, March 2007

Dorigoni S. (Ed.), with contributions by Portatadino S. and Sileo A., La riforma della distribuzione di gas in Italia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2007

Dorigoni S., LNG in Europe, in Energy Inquiry on the European Electricity and Gas Markets, European Commission, DG Competition, 2007

Gullì F., Politica ambientale e struttura dei mercati: il contenuto di carbonio dei prezzi dellelettricità in Italia, Economia e Politica Industriale, 3, 2007

Lorenzoni A., Benato R., Di Mario C., Lines versus Cables: Consider All Factors, Transmission and Distribution World, vol. 59, 11, November 2007

Lorenzoni A., Bano L., Renewable energy costs in Italy: a focus on system inefficiencies costs and their effect on investments in the sector, proceedings of 9th IAEE European Energy Conference Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe, June 2007

Lorenzoni A., Cattarinussi M., From Energy supply to energy services, proceedings of 9th IAEE European Energy Conference Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe, June 2007

Massarutto A., Reform of water services in Italy: a live bomb behind outward unanimity and Urban water conflicts: an ecological economic approach, in B. Barraqué, T. Katko, E. Vlachos (Eds.), Urban water conflicts, Wiley & Sons, London, forthcoming

Massarutto A., Economic analysis of waste management systems in Europe, in C. Clini, M.L. Gullino, I. Musu, X. Yang (Eds.), Sustainable Development and Environment Management - Experiences and Case Studies, Springer, NL, ISBN978-1-4020-6597-2(HB)ISBN978-1-4020-6598-9 (e-book) Language: English, Chinese, 2007

Massarutto A., Waste management as a public utility: options for competition in an environmentally-regulated industry, Utilities Policy, 15, 2007

Massarutto A., Water pricing and full-cost recovery of water services: economic incentive or instrument of public finance?, Water Policy, 9, 2007

Melis M., Analisi degli Ambiti Produttivi della Provincia di Bologna, Provincia di Bologna, Assessorato alle Attività Produttive, 2007

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Poletti C., La sicurezza dellapprovvigionamento dellenergia elettrica e del gas in Europa, in A. Colombo, N. Ronzitti (Eds.), LItalia e la politica internazionale, Il Mulino, 2007